From the 5th century to the 15th century, a spiritual darkness gripped the world. This period of time was known as the Dark Ages (sometimes also known as the Middle Ages), and was a time of war, disease, and famine. Centuries before this time, God's own Son, Jesus, the light of the world, had come to offer his life for the sins of mankind. But now the true Church, the one set up by Jesus, had been persecuted horribly and driven underground. So the greatest problem for the people who lived in this period was not their suffering. It was Satan's spiritual deception—the Catholic Church which had come to dominate the world, masquerading as Christ's true Church.
The Catholic Church looked in many ways like the true church. It taught some true things of God: the biblical timeline, the creation, the fall, and the death and resurrection of Jesus. There was, however, one important flaw amongst the teachings of the Catholic Church, one mistake that was sending thousands of people to Hell. The Catholics believed that Jesus had NOT paid it all. The way to get to heaven, they taught, was to get there through works. The Bible says this is wrong.
During the Dark Ages, the Bible was only viewable by priests, and then only the most highly educated ones could even understand it. But, from about 1400-1550, some brave men started smuggling Bibles into Europe and other countries, and translating the Bible into different languages. This was called the Reformation.
Martin Luther was one of the best known characters of the Reformation. Luther became a monk after he prayed during a frightening thunderstorm, asking for God to protect him. God brought him through the storm, and Luther kep his promise to God. While he was a monk, he wrote 95 challenges to the Roman Catholic Church, or theses, as most people tend to call them. He understood from reading the Bible that the Catholic Church was wrong in what they were teaching the people. What the priests taught the people kept them in spiritual darkness.
John Wycliffe, John Huss, William Tyndale and others also played important parts in the Reformation, but Martin Luther is the one that we know best today, because of the dramatic thunderstorm, the 95 Theses, and his part in God's plan to pierce the spiritual darkness of the Catholic Church, letting the light of God's truth into the world.
Post Tenebras Lux (After the Darkness, Light) was the motto of the Reformation |
Additional Resources
The Reformation (a short paper on the Reformation by my older son)
Luther - The Movie (2003 version, full length, YouTube)
The Reformation: Post Tenebras Lux
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