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What's Happening To Women's Happiness?

"Each year since 1972, the United States General Social Survey has asked men and women: "How happy are you, on a scale of 1 to 3, with 3 being very happy, and 1 being not too happy?" This survey includes a representative sample of men and women of all ages, education levels, income levels, and marital status--1,500 per year for a total of almost 50,000 individuals thus far--and so it gives us a most reliable picture of what's happened to men's and women's happiness over the last few decades.First, since 1972, women's overall level of happiness has dropped, both relative to where they were forty years ago, and relative to men. You find this drop in happiness in women regardless of whether they have kids, how many kids they have, how much money they make, how healthy they are, what job they hold, whether they are married, single or divorced, how old they are, or what race they are". Marcus Buckingham Read more at:

It is no wonder women are not satisfied with the temporary joys of life. Women are deeply intuitive and can not be satisfied for long by materialistic achievements and sensory pleasures as the source of happiness. It is a sign of our wisdom that we are not happy with the status quo.

As a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation technique, I see women unleash their bliss by diving within and completely transcending the outer world and surface levels of the mind. Deeper levels of our being are more timeless, energized and sublime and therefore more absorbing. The direct experience of this expansive consciousness within oneself during meditation satisfies the quest for happiness and infuses joy into all the outer perceptions. Life becomes fun again when lived from the depth of contentment within.


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